KEGS, Page 3

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  • kegy
    Lager with a unique taste, typical of IPL (india pale lager) beers. The combination of german saphir hops with the american chinook gives the beer...
    Availability:we prepare
    Brand:Moravia sudové pivo
  • kegy
    American pale ale beer style. Nicely flavored with kazbek czech hops for taste and summit and cascade american hops for aroma. The taste reminds of...
    Availability:Availabe 76 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegyNewTip
    Skvěle pitelné světlé pivo s nízkou hořkostí a pořádnou náloží veleúspěšných amerických chmelů Amarillo a Citra. Zastudena chmeleno novou formou...
    Availability:Sold out
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegy
    An easy drinking full-bodied pale ale with an amber tinge will intrigue you with a distinctive taste and aroma reminding of citrus and pine. Medium...
    Availability:Availabe 3 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Top fermented beer of the american india pale ALE (IPA) style. A strong beer with a dense hop-tasting body, and citrus flavor with undertones of...
    Availability:Availabe 20 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Distinctive bitter medium-bodied malty beer with 4.0 % alcohol content. The combination of czech and german hops gives it a full flavor. Quick...
    Availability:On demand
    Brand:Moravia sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Pleasant mouthfeel, 4.7 % volume of alcohol, honey color. Punkevní 11 is characterized by moderate hopping, decent bitterness and dense, malty to...
    Availability:Availabe 84 pcs
    Brand:Moravia sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Deep golden color, distinctive full body and medium bitterness. The name of the beer, which is glider in english, refers to Medlánky, famous for...
    Availability:Availabe 99 pcs
    Brand:Moravia sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Medium bitter beer with excellent mouthfeel. Aroma is exquisitely distinctive thanks to the american citra and australian enigma hops, which were...
    Availability:Availabe 99 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegyTip
    Unfiltered and unpasteurized, bright golden, distinctly bitter with a dose of the best Žatec hops and German aromatic herkules hops. We are...
    Availability:On demand 49 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
  • kegy
    Lager with a unique taste, typical of IPL (india pale lager) beers. The combination of german saphir hops with the american chinook gives the beer...
    Availability:we prepare
    Brand:Moravia sudové pivo
  • kegy
    American pale ale beer style. Nicely flavored with kazbek czech hops for taste and summit and cascade american hops for aroma. The taste reminds of...
    Availability:Availabe 97 pcs
    Brand:Lucky Bastard sudové pivo
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